About Alcina the Thief: Not the Purest of Heart or Soul

Alcina is rude, crass, and self-centered. At the same time, however, Alcina is more than that. Alcina is intelligent, bold, and focused. She has a very strong understanding of right versus wrong and good versus evil, but these are black-and-white principals that Alcina doesn’t care about in the slightest. Alcina is unapologetic about her illegal activities and she knows that her uncle would be ashamed to know that she hadn’t been trying to live a better life on the straight and narrow, but she doesn’t care. Alcina will survive no matter what she has to do and she doesn’t consider herself a bad person no matter what she does.

Alcina is the only human that will be portrayed “on-screen” in the entirety of Not The Purest of Heart or Soul. None of the other characters shown in the story, no matter how human they may seem, are human and Alcina will be consistently surprised that nothing in the fairy realm follows the rules of human society that she is so accustomed to ignoring. Alcina will also quickly find she fits in with the Unseelie Court more than she does amongst humans or even the Seelie Court.

Fairies don’t follow the same cut-and-dry system of morality that humans tend to expect them to. No fairy is entirely “good” or “evil.” As such, even the “good” fairies from the Seelie Court, such as Thoreau, perform acts that Alcina would categorize as “evil.” Alcina will similarly find that “evil” fairies, such as Raolf, sometimes do things that are “good.” In the end, Alcina will learn valuable lessons about humanity as well as the fae, but don’t expect her to come to some epiphany that she was wrong the whole time for stealing from people. Alcina’s understanding of society and morality will improve, but she will remain true to her own internal code, which says that she has a right to do anything she has to do to survive and live a comfortable life.

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  • Early Birds will receive the monthly email from the Peeps tier, but will also receive access to content a day early.
  • Sparrows will receive the newsletter and early content as well as a brief shout out on my author website and blog thanking you for your support.
  • Soaring Eagles will receive all of the rewards from previous tiers and will also receive exclusive access to character profiles and bios.
  • Fiery Dragons will receive all of the rewards from previous tiers and will also receive exclusive access to character studies, and short stories about individual characters from a number of my projects.

Flowers Are Blooming

Flowers are blooming,

fed by the cool, soothing rain.

Budding bulbs of hope.

No longer buried,

beneath a blanket of snow,

now the flowers grow.


Kittens and puppies

Tred into the grass to play.

What a happy day.


Children run and shout

playing little childhood games.

Let’s go play today!


The sun is shining.

Just watch where you step because

flowers are blooming.

This is a day late. 

Sorry about the delay! 

Two posts up today. 

Please feel free to leave a comment or shoot me a message about this poem. If you have recommendations or suggestions for poem topics or for story topics, let me know. If you enjoy certain types of content more than others, let me know in the comments section below. Or use the contact page to let me know! I can also be found on Tumblr and Twitter, so feel free to message me on Tumblr or tweet at me!



If you enjoy the content I provide, please consider becoming my patron. There are reward tiers that give you access to additional content based on how much you want to contribute.


  • Peeps will be added to a monthly email newsletter detailing my progress on different projects and my writing process.
  • Early Birds will receive the monthly email from the Peeps tier, but will also receive access to content a day early.
  • Sparrows will receive the newsletter and early content as well as a brief shout out on my author website and blog thanking you for your support.
  • Soaring Eagles will receive all of the rewards from previous tiers and will also receive exclusive access to character profiles and bios.
  • Fiery Dragons will receive all of the rewards from previous tiers and will also receive exclusive access to character studies, and short stories about individual characters from a number of my projects.

About Fairies in Not the Purest of Heart or Soul

What are fairies? Most of us think of Tinker Bell when we first think of the word and others don’t. Ultimately, though, the general idea that people have about fairies today is the same across the board: they are small, beautiful, winged humanoid creatures that live more or less forever. They might even be human-sized fairy godmothers that grant the wishes of good little boys and girls.

However, purely good fairies in literature are a relatively new concept in the big scheme of things. Long ago, when humans first came up with the idea of a fairy, fairies were something to fear. Fairies stole things. Fairies played tricks on people. Fairies cursed people who offended them in some way. Fairies were monsters that would sneak into your home at night and steal your newborn baby, leaving a changeling in its place. Stories about fairies were prevalent all around the world and often had striking similarities, such as the Mexican duende and the English brownie, although the duende and the brownie were generally seen as benign compared to chaneques and boggarts.

The fairies found in Not the Purest of Heart or Soul will primarily be based around English, Scottish, and Irish fairy mythology, but that isn’t to say that fairies from other cultures won’t make appearances, as many fairies had equivalents in many cultures.

So far in Not the Purest of Heart of Soul, we have been officially introduced to a dryad named Thoreau, an elf named Serafina, and a spriggan named Raolf. You can expect to encounter dwarves, trolls, goblins, sprites, sylphs, and many more fae folk as the story progresses.

If you enjoy Not the Purest of Heart or Soul and would like to support my work and be a part of sharing it with the world, you should consider becoming my patron on Patreon. You can make a one-time contribution or set up a monthly contribution based on the amount of content I release per month. My ultimate goal is to publish Not the Purest of Heart or Soul through a traditional publishing house, as well as many other fiction and fantasy stories.

Becoming my patron doesn’t just benefit me. There are reward tiers that I have set up that will give you access to patron-exclusive content, as well, ranging from a patron-only newsletter to secret short stories about individual characters from my stories which would serve as supplements for the main stories, including Not the Purest of Heart or Soul.

If you can’t afford to support me financially, never fear! You can also support me by sharing my content and my Patreon page with your friends and family, which wouldn’t cost you a dime! Likes and comments on my content here on the site are also encouraging and helps me to know what content is the most popular so I can provide more of it.

Thank you for reading and I’ll see you in two weeks!

Not the Purest of Heart or Soul – Second Excerpt

Here is another excerpt from Not the Purest of Heart or Soul, which is one of my current writing projects. If you enjoy this story, please let me know in the comments section below or by reaching out to me on my contact page. 

For the second time in one day, I awoke to someone standing over me, but this time, it actually was a guard. They weren’t wearing the kinds of stuff you would expect one of the guards assigned to the remote towns and villages. No, this person was wearing a full suit of heavy armor, but something about the armor itself seemed to be alive. I thought I could see it breathing and I couldn’t even see their eyes through the eye slits. I was definitely in trouble.

“Can I help you?” I asked with my most charming smile.

One of their gauntleted hands reached down for my arm and closed around it like a vice. They jerked me to my feet and started tugging me towards a large tree. It’s the biggest tree I’ve ever seen in my life, seriously!

“H-hey! Hey, this amulet that I stole. I didn’t realize it was so important and valuable, so what do you say I give you the amulet to take back to that girl and we call it square?”

The guard jerked me forward and shoved me ahead of them. I would have appreciated a grunt or even a “shut up, thief!” Anything would be better than silence.

“So, uh. You got a name?”

I tried to appeal to them by making them actually think of me as a person. We can bond! It’s gotten me out of worse scrapes in the past- and I’m still buddies with the guard back in Nell. Maybe this person knows him? As I was promptly ignored by my ungracious captor, I had a moment to consider the fact that I had never seen this kind of armor before, not even in the capital.

“Where are we?” I asked as I was shoved toward a very large tree- and come to think of it, I had never seen that kind of tree before, either. As we passed it, I got to really appreciate its beauty.

The leaves were golden- as in they glimmered and shined and they looked like they were made of thin golden flakes. I would be set for life if I could even just have one of its seeds! I could wait for it to grow! I’m a very patient woman!

But I wouldn’t get the chance to admire this miracle of nature any longer. I was shoved unceremoniously towards a small, unassuming looking shack. It was anticlimactic, to say the least. But on closer inspection, I realized it appeared to have been made with something shiny. It wasn’t gold or silver, but I could tell it had value and it shimmered with a color somewhere between gold and silver. Where had this person taken me? Why would someone waste such valuable metals on a rickety old shack?

The door to the ramshackle cabin opened and I was ushered inside. It was dark in there and my host closed the door behind us. I was absolutely not impressed; whatever this was, I needed it to be over and done with so I could get home and pawn my goods so I could get some coin.

“So, is there a poi-ahh!” I didn’t scream when I was shoved to the ground; I’m not that kind of woman. I yelped and I yelped softly, thank you very much. Yelping aside, I wasn’t prepared for what happened next and, I nearly did scream as it happened.

It was a chill in the air first. The hairs on my arms and neck were standing on end. Then, there was a rustling, shuffling sound, but it was so soft and unassuming that I ignored it. Big mistake. Something cold and wet touched my cheek. It was slimy and gross and it didn’t feel like a hand!

Finally, there was a whisper. It sounded like dry leaves bouncing along a cobblestone path as the wind blew them before it developed into words I could understand. “You aren’t the princess.” The voice rustled. “How came you by this amulet?”

It talked weird, too! “I- uh. I stole it.” I admitted, too off balance to try to lie my way out of this.

“A thief?”

Something about its tone set me on edge and insulted me at the same time. I kept my mouth shut, knowing it was probably a bad idea to mouth off to the slimy tentacle-leaf rustle monster. I tried to keep my breaths even and steady. Showing them I was afraid wouldn’t help my cause.

“You’ve wandered rather far off the path, Thief. Perhaps you will regret it or perhaps you can make a wiser choice.”

I wasn’t following him; obviously, I had gotten lost, but what was all of this about regret and wise choices? I just wanted to sell the amulet and use the proceeds to buy food and maybe a cow or a pretty bauble! Is that so much to ask?

“Give me the amulet.” The rustle monster commanded.

“What do I get in return?” My inner haggler leaped to the forefront despite knowing it was maybe not the best time to insist on payment for my stolen goods.

“You live.” A new voice behind me snarled and I wondered if maybe it was my captor from before.

“Give me the amulet and in return, I will reward you handsomely.” The shuffling and soft clinking of armor behind me told me that my armored host disapproved of Rustle Monster’s deal.

“How much?”

“You are bold, Thief. Raolf, give us light!”

The room burst into light and blinded me. Once my vision had cleared and my eyes had adjusted to the light, I found myself face to face with a real, live monster. Its eyes glowed like burning coals and its face was wizened with age. Its skin looked more like bark than flesh and its hair was made of twigs that were reaching for the ceiling, but there were no leaves to be found on them. It looked like something that was already dead. Its tentacle hand was more like a slimy vine with a mind of its own and it was wrapping around my arm and squeezing. Its entire body was made of twisted vines and deep in the middle of them was a dark, pulsing light. It seemed to be sucking the very light out of the room.

“Why did you take the amulet?” The rustling voice asked in a tender voice- well, a voice that was as tender as dead leaves could manage to be.

“I need to sell it for as much as possible. A girl’s gotta eat.” I replied.

“Is that so?” The monstrosity sounded intrigued. “If I compensated you accordingly, what would you be willing to do?”


“Would you steal for me, Thief? Whatever I command you to steal?” The vine monster was starting to freak me out, but I was intrigued.

“What kind of stuff do you need me to steal?” I asked with some hesitation. “And how much are you going to pay me for it?”

Its gaping mouth opened wider than I thought was possible and thorns -which I soon realized were its teeth- were revealed as its maw twisted into a terrible grin. Its breath was putrid and rotten. Staring into its maw was like staring into a bottomless pit. If I could have, I’d have taken a step back, but it was as if I was frozen in that spot.

Will you steal for me, Thief?” I distinctly got the impression that refusing would not end well for me.

“Yeah, yeah, I’ll steal for ya!” I agreed quickly, knowing full well that I was probably going to regret every single word that came out of my mouth.

“Excellent. I’ll take that amulet now.” He pried it out of my hands.

“Ah- my… My payment?” I insisted.

“Hmm… Yes. Your payment for this amulet is me allowing you to live another day and a servant. Your next reward will be more substantial. Do you have any objections?”

I still could not get over the fact that his voice was so silky smooth while still sounding like dry, dead leaves rustling. How was that even possible? He was addressing me, though, so I shook my head. I didn’t object! I liked being alive, thank you very much!

“Good. Thoreau will take care of you. I will be in touch soon.”

The vines receded and released my arms. I wanted to run as fast as I could out of the hut, but I was frozen in place. I just couldn’t talk my legs into moving. The gauntleted hand of my escort grabbed my shoulder and tugged me to my feet. My ankle throbbed as I stumbled backward behind my quiet companion.

“So, uh, Thoreau…” I started to talk to my reticent companion after I got my feet under me and the sun’s rays shone down on my face outside the hut.

“Raolf.” He grunted.


“I’m not Thoreau. Just sit here and wait. Thoreau will be along shortly.” Raolf’s voice was gravelly and sounded as if there were literal rocks inside that suit of living armor grinding away at large stones.

I sat down as I was told. My ankle appreciated that; in all the excitement, I had forgotten that it was hurting. I pondered my options. I could keep my mouth shut and just wait like he wanted me to… Or I could try again to learn something more about this place before Thoreau arrived.

“There’s nothing under that armor, is there?” I asked him just as he started to walk away.

“What armor?” He growled and I understood then that his eyes were the darkness that I thought were holes in his helmet. His helmet was his head.

“Oh.” I breathed. “I just assumed- are you like that guy in there?”

“Must you always make noise?” Raolf growled at me.

How rude of him! I straightened my shoulders and glared at him. “That’s not how you talk to a lady.”

“You’re a lady?”

If I could have gotten my hands on something hard- like a rock!- I would have hit him with it. At least I assumed Raolf was a he. Would it be inappropriate to ask? I wouldn’t want to offend this guy if he was actually a she or not a he or a she at all. I’m a thief, not a monster. Maybe that was insensitive, too, seeing as I was in the company of literal monsters.

“Obviously?!” I snapped at him.

He seemed pleased with himself. I saw a small smile grow on his face, but he turned away quickly, not wanting me to see his amusement. That made my blood boil.

“Whatever. Raolf, where am I? I’m obviously not in Canta or any of the surrounding villages and you aren’t a human and neither is the guy that wants me to steal stuff for him.”

Raolf ignored me with a derisive snort. Jerk. I huffed at him as he milled about waiting for Thoreau, whoever that was, to arrive to be my servant. I wasn’t especially eager to have a servant, even though it might be nice to have someone cook my meals and prepare a pot of tea on a cold evening. My mother had been a servant and my father was a baker like his brother, my uncle. I didn’t especially want to force someone to live the life my mother did.

A pair of armor people like Raolf approached us and I wondered which one of them was this Thoreau. As they got closer, though, I saw that they were tugging someone who looked very human along behind them.

He was wearing fine clothes and fancy jewels- was he some sort of prince? I thought back to the woman before. She was an odd one, now that I had the time to really think about her. It was as if she morphed from woman to child and to something in-between. Was she something like these armor people?

The armor people shoved him towards me. This one looked very much like a human child. Maybe he was some unlucky kid that wound up here somehow like me? Except I doubt they’d be asking this little schoolboy to rob someone. His hair was pulled back into a ponytail. His bangs somewhat hung into his eyes. He was a very pretty boy. I don’t think I looked half that pretty when I was his age. Heck, I don’t look as pretty as he does at my age! Beneath his bangs, I could see the rims of glasses and a hint of glassy blue… Except they weren’t blue. They were, but they weren’t. His eyes seemed to shine and shimmer in shades of blue and light green. It was like staring into the ocean at sunset.

The kid looked terrified and appeared to be on the verge of tears. I so wasn’t prepared to deal with some frightened child! I was brought here against my will, too! Why was this kid here and why did they bring him right up to me? Was I supposed to do something? They didn’t want me to rob this poor sap when they could take whatever they wanted from him?

“Thoreau will be your servant.” One of the newcomers explained to me, nudging the boy closer to me. “The Master will be watching. Once you have rested, you will be given your first job. Thoreau will help you find your way to the jewels we need.

“I will not!” The boy declared with an air of defiance that I hadn’t expected from this trembling child. “I am no servant! You may kill me if you wish, but I will not do as you sa-”

One of the necklaces- a rose brooch with decorative thorns tightened around his throat of its own volition. Witchcraft! I watched in stunned silence as the golden thorns pricked and pierced the boy’s vulnerable throat.

Thoreau dropped to his knees. One of the guards knelt down next to him and whispered something in his ear. They spoke briefly, but I couldn’t hear much of it and none of what I heard was in a language that I could understand. My mind started to wander and I just wanted to go home and take what jewels I had earn-

My haversack was gone.

All of the jewels and coins and small family heirlooms that I had pilfered from different households in Canta village were gone! I had a bounty on my head because I stole all of that stuff, but my haversack is gone! What was I going to do now?! My fence was waiting for me to bring him all sorts of treasure to trade off for good, clean coin. Of course, I landed myself in this boat because I just couldn’t resist the charm of that amulet. I can’t believe I was so stupid! I got greedy and that was the one rule that a thief should never break if she wanted to get away and live to steal another day. How long would they lock me up if I just turned myself in-

“Do you realize what you have done!” The boy interrupted my train of thought.

“I haven’t done anything!” I lied. I only robbed some kid-not-kid in the woods and agreed to be a thief for a tree vine monster. That’s nothing, right?

“Liar! Serafine needed that amulet and you took it! They told me what you did!”

“So, um.” I began, glossing over everything the boy just said. “Thoreau, was it? My name is Alcina.” It was apparently going to be a nice enough gig and I would be well-compensated for petty thievery- which just so happens to be my specialty- or so the tree vine monster said. “So, what does being my servant entail? What can I ask of you and what can I not?”

“I’m your slave, stupid, I must do whatever you tell me. You own me, for now.” I was uncomfortable with the idea of owning a person and something about his tone made me fear what would happen when he was freed. Would he kill me? It’s not like I wanted a slave.

“You don’t even know me; will you stop with the insults and name calling?” One would think that I ate his last apple slice without permission with the look he gave me then. “Now, let’s try this again. My name is Alcina and I need you to answer some questions for me, Thoreau.”

At that, the armor-man snorted again. Apparently, I am hilarious. I cast him a dark glare, but he was sharpening his sword with a whetstone, so he didn’t see it. Probably. He was some sort of monster or a fairy or something, so maybe he could see through the back of his head. Scary.

“What are your questions, then.” He didn’t even say it in a questioning tone. The least this kid could do is pretend to be interested and not openly aggressive. I didn’t ask for this, either!

“Where are we? What is going on and how old are you?” I could have grown wings in front of his eyes and gotten a less shocked expression from him- although, given our present company, perhaps that wouldn’t be so shocking. “Well?”

“The fairy realm, obviously. The Courts are at war with each other and you have given the bad fairies a weapon they can use to help them kill the good ones!”

“That sounds like an oversimplification. No one is all good or all evil. That has to apply to fairies, too.”

“Who would have thought a petty thief would know as big a word as ‘oversimplification.’” Thoreau sneered.

“You didn’t answer my last question,” I informed him.

“You cannot fathom my age, being human and finite.” He sniffed at me with derision. “Do you have any other questions?”

“Yeah. Uh. How am I gonna know what I’m supposed to steal and when?”

“Presumably the Abyss Tree wants me to tell you where the other amulets are.” He replied reluctantly.

“Is that what that scary tree thing was? An Abyss Tree?”

“Not an. The Abyss Tree. By the way, I would rather die than help you or it.

I still couldn’t wrap my head around all of this. I just wanted to take a nap and then go home, preferably with some profits or my haversack or both! It was starting to look more and more like that wasn’t going to be an option, though. I would even accept Uncle’s scolding for resorting to thievery- again- and besmirching the family name, again. I had important questions that needed answering, though, so I brought my attention back to Thoreau, who was glaring at me with unbridled hate.

“So, you’re a fairy. Where are your wings?”

“Excuse me?” He sounded pretty insulted. Oops.

“Where are your wings?”

“I don’t have wings, you fool!” He shouted. “Do I look like I have wings?!”

“I don’t know you or what you are, so I wouldn’t know. I thought you looked like one of those little fairy sprites.” I was just being mean and facetious out of spite; I couldn’t help it. It was fun! It was also kind of cute the way he puffed up when he got angry and boy, was he angry. If he was a cat, he’d have been hissing and spitting at me.

Thoreau looked away from me, fuming. I let him take a minute. He had all the mannerisms of someone used to giving orders. His mannerisms were also quite refined, like royalty. The boy’s robes were made of the finest material I had ever seen, but I couldn’t quite identify the fabric. Was it some sort of silk? Either way, it looked extremely valuable. Plus, it was dyed a bright red. It wasn’t the color of red that you would see a peasant like me wearing!

Raolf was still sharpening his sword with his whetstone. Schlick! Schlick! The rhythm was soothing and hypnotic to my ears. I supposed he was our handler to make sure that we did as we were told. I guessed making a break for it later was out of the question as each swipe of the stone against the blade informed me that Raolf was always prepared to use it.

“I am what humans call a “dryad.”” Thoreau grumbled. “My kind do not have wings. I am of the Seelie Court. The Abyss Tree is of the Unseelie Court. Surely you have heard of us in your folklore?” He sounded resigned and spent. I felt bad for giving him a hard time.

“I, um, thought dryads were girls?”

“Gender is a human social construct if the books I have read about it were accurate.” Thoreau huffed. “I am neither female nor male. Is that a problem for you, Thief?”

“Alcina.” I corrected. “And no, that’s not a problem. It’s not like I could do anything about it if it was a problem. You can’t change facts. But, uh, how do you want me to refer to you and about you?”

He gave me a confused look. They gave me a confused look? “I don’t follow you, Alcina.” He paused just before saying my name. I guess it just wasn’t a question that often came up in the fairy realm. Or maybe he hasn’t had to meet anyone new for however long he’s been alive. Or something.

“I mean do you want me to call you a he, a she, or a they?”

“”He” is acceptable,” Thoreau replied. “Thank you.”

“For what?” I asked, making a mental note that my new dryad companion was neither male nor female.

“I did not expect you to care about my comfort. It is not an issue here, but I understand that humanity struggles with grey-area concepts, such as non-binary gender. For a dirty thief, you are not as terrible as I initially believed you to be.” Oh, good! He was warming up to me! That was nice; maybe I haven’t lost my charm after all! Maybe I can charm Raolf, too. And then, maybe, they will help me escape and get back to the human world!

It wouldn’t be easy, but I was ready to try!

Create Your Own City Activity for Kids

This is an educational activity designed to be a fun project for elementary aged kids to learn about cities by creating their own fictional city.

Create Your Own City

   Picture a city in your mind.  What do you see? Skyscrapers and traffic jams and lots of people?  Do you live in a city? If so, what you think of when you imagine a city will be different from what a kid living in the suburbs would imagine. 

There are many types of buildings and spaces that are essential, or important, to a city for it to survive.  Here is a list of a few of those types of buildings and spaces:

  • Apartments, houses, and townhouses: Every city has to have places for people to live.  Some smaller cities have houses with some small yards and others only have apartment buildings or townhouses pressed against one another.  
  • Shops and stores: Every city has places where you can go shopping, such as malls, department stores, mom-and-pop stores, and convenience stores.  
  • Office buildings: Many skyscrapers are tall office buildings.  Some only have one really big company in them while others split the building between many companies.  
  • Service buildings: No city would be complete without hospitals, police stations, fire departments, and government offices.  Every city has at least one of each. Really big cities like New York City would have many more.
  • Educational buildings: Every city has at least one school for kids your age, kids who are 11 to 13 years old, and teenagers.  Many large cities have one or more colleges or universities where people go to school to learn how to do a specific kind of job, like being a doctor, a teacher, or a police officer.  
  • Green space: Not every place in a city is a building!  Many cities have multiple parks where kids can play and exercise.  Many neighborhoods also have community gardens!
  • Roads: Every city has a lot of roads that connect each building to all the other buildings.  Without roads, it would be a lot more dangerous and difficult for people to travel to work, school, or to get the help they need.  


  • Construction paper or poster board
  • Pencil
  • Crayons, colored pencils, markers, or gel pens
  • A vivid imagination!

Optional Materials


  • Legos or building blocks
  • Popsicle sticks
  • Glue
  • Scissors


Step 1:

   Think about everything you know about cities.  How big and tight they can be, how many people can live there, and what kinds of buildings there are in a city.  Now think about what kind of city you would make for yourself and your loved ones to live in. Is there a lot of green space?  Are there lots of amusement parks? More schools and hospitals than other cities?

   Make a list on one side of your construction paper of all the buildings and green spaces you want in your city and how many you want there to be of each.  

Step 2:

Start to draw your city in pencil so you can erase it and make changes as you go along. Be sure to include roads to connect all your buildings and green spaces together!  

Step 3:

Label the buildings and parks.  Color them.

Step 4:

Come up with a catchy name for your city.



  • Use your building blocks or Legos to bring your city to life!  



  • Use your popsicle sticks, glue, scissors, and extra construction paper to build your city and label the buildings.

Step 5:

Share your city with your family and friends!  

Follow-up Questions:

  1. While you were creating your city, did you have any difficulty connecting all of your buildings or important sites to the other buildings?  If so, what changes did you have to make so that your city would work?
  2. Now that you have a city, try creating an advertisement to tell the world why your city is the best city to live in.  What makes your city the best? What makes it different from other cities?

Challenge Question:

   Come up with three laws for your city that your citizens would have to follow.  Think about what kind of crime might happen in your city and what kind of things you want people to do.  


Susan’s city, Little Centropolis, has three laws: treat each other the way you want to be treated, never steal, and always treat animals with respect.  Susan wants everyone to be nice to each other, wants to protect everyone from being robbed, and wants to protect animals from danger.

Not the Purest of Heart or Soul – Excerpt

This is an excerpt from one of my latest creative writing projects. Please enjoy and, if you have any comments or questions, leave a comment below! I’m happy to receive your feedback. Enjoy! 

“Only the purest of heart and soul can approach a unicorn.”  That’s what my uncle always said.  He never mentioned magical deer, though.  So, I found myself in a bit of a pickle.  There I was, minding my own business-

Okay.  Let me start over.  I wasn’t minding my own business.  I was stealing.  I needed the money, okay?  No, I don’t have a sob story.  I’m not doing this to save my uncle or something noble like that.  I just need to sell these jewels for some gold that I can use to keep a roof over my head.  

Anyway, the magical deer was massive.  It was probably actually the same size as a healthy non-magical stag, but I grew up on the streets in the capital.  I had never seen a deer up close before, give me a break!  Its hide was black as night and the horns gleamed like starlight.  I had never seen anything so beautiful before in my life.  Its black fur seemed to shimmer in the sunlight that filtered through the trees.  It was staring right at me, but it made no move to run or charge or anything.  It just stood there.  Watching.  Waiting.  

Spellbound, I almost didn’t hear the shouting from behind me.  The town guards were searching in the woods now.  They would find me no doubt before dawn.  I had to go and I had to go now.  I ran and the deer ran with me, keeping a safe distance away.  It was disconcerting, to say the least.  

We ran.  We ran and ran.  Until I tumbled over the top of a hill I was climbing and rolled down, down, down to the bottom of the hill.  I felt my head crack on a log but thanked my lucky stars that I hadn’t bashed my skull in on a rock.  I must have blacked out because when I opened my eyes, someone was staring down at me.  

She didn’t look like a town guard hunting me down for stealing.  No, she looked like she lived in the forest.  She wasn’t approaching me, but she was watching.  Was she afraid of me?  Most of me was flattered; I am a scary lady and a thief.  But the other part of me felt bad.  I meant her no harm.  

I started to push myself up, but a wave of dizziness washed over me and a collapsed back against the pine-needle covered, cold earth.  I moaned and tried to sit up again, but ice cold hands pressed against my chest and the majestic black stag was standing over us both.  

“You shouldn’t be here.”  The girl whispered.  

“When you’re runnin’ from somebody, sometimes you have you trespass to survive,”  I mumbled.  

“No, I’m serious.  You shouldn’t be here.  Vanisa can’t hide you for much longer.  You’ll catch his eye.  You have to leave.  Now.”  

“I appreciate the concern, sugar, but I’ve been trying to get up and I think I twisted my ankle or something when I fell.”  

“Vanisa, can you fix it?”  The girl looked up with hope at the stag.  It said nothing and I don’t know why I expected it to say anything at all.  “Are you sure?”  Why was this girl having a one-sided conversation with a glowing black deer with icicle horns?  

“Just- give me a hand and I’ll be up and on my way.”  I declared, but the girl shook her head.  

“Vanisa says he can hide you a little while longer.  But we need to find a way to support your ankle so you can get out of here.”  

“Lady, that deer ain’t said anything.”  

“Vanisa only speaks to those he wishes and he has never spoken to a human before.  When you have proven yourself worthy, he will speak to you.  If you prove yourself worthy… Thief.”  

“Is that judgment I hear?”  I retort.  “Well, excuse me for wanting to have a roof over my head, Princess.”  

The girl frowned at me and looked away.  I think I made her angry.  Too bad, she insulted me, first!  Life is tough, kid.  Learn to deal with it.  I did.  But I didn’t say any of that out loud.  It just seemed kind of cruel.  

“Vanisa, I cannot.”  The girl hissed at the stag.  

I rolled my eyes.  Maybe I should mention this kid to the authorities when they catch me.  She needs to be in the sanitarium before she hurts herself.  

“They will find me.  My uncle needs me to go back for him when we can fight back.  I can’t risk our kingdom for a petty thief!”  

“Wait, what?  Look.  Kid, what’s your name?  I’m sorry I fed your delusions.  Just.  Can you help me make a splint?  We’ll get out of here together.  I know a town nearby-”  

“You will take me nowhere.”  The glare she gave me was utterly terrifying.  No one that young should ever be able to make that kind of face.  I never even made that kind of face as a child and I was a little terror.  “Vanisa, I don’t know what your game is, but we’re not playing it.  This is serious and what good is a petty thief going to do me against an army?”  

“Whoah, whoah, an army?  What?”  I had to admit it: I was getting pretty freaked out by then.  “Alright, uh.  I’m just gonna use some of this rope in my haversack and uh.”  I reached for the closest sticks that would be the right size to use, but all of these sticks were too large or too small.  

The stag nudged a pair of appropriately sized sticks into my reach so I grabbed them.  Hastily, I tied the rope snugly around my leg to hold the sticks in place so I could put pressure on it and get out of here before this lady decided to murder me.  

“I’m just trying to get these jewels to my village so I can sell them and pay my rent for the month.  That’s all I want.  Listen, kid, my uncle isn’t young anymore.  He needs the roof over his head, too.”  

Okay, so that last part was kind of a lie.  My uncle was still living on his own in that little apartment above his shop.  He’d be furious if he knew I was stealing and lying.  Too bad I didn’t meet your expectations, Uncle, but it’s not like I could change anything at that point.  I’d already made my bed and I was prepared to lay in it.  Preferably with a nice quilt from Nell and a fire roaring from the fireplace.  Ah, it sounded so sweet and perfect.  It was all I wanted!  

“Hush!”  The girl hissed at me, slapping a cold, clammy hand across my mouth.  

I didn’t mean to do it.  She shouldn’t have grabbed me like that.  She should never have gotten this close and why were her hands so gross? They were clammy and cold, like the hands of a dead person and there was something slimy about them that wasn’t sweat. I know what sweaty hands feel like and that wasn’t what sweaty hands felt like! My fingers wrapped around a small branch and swung it at her head.  She dropped to the ground without a sound.  The stag reared back and snorted, making all sorts of angry sounds at me.  I didn’t care.  I had to get out of here before this lunatic killed me.  

But just as I started to run, I stopped.  My gaze drifted to the brooch the girl was wearing.  For some random forest-dwelling orphan, she had a very valuable looking jewel.  Something told me to take it.  I don’t know if it was greed or some divine power pointing at me and telling me what to do or some sort of wicked spite planted deep within my chest when I did it.  I grabbed it and then I limped away as quickly as I could, snagging a conveniently appropriately sized stick to use as a walking stick.  Maybe someone up there had a soft spot for a sinner like me after all.  

The stag didn’t follow me.  The girl didn’t make any sound.  I felt very much like I may have made a mistake, but I kept going.  I wasn’t going back.  This brooch would pay my rent for a year!  I could eat two whole meals a day and three if I was especially thrifty.   

In fact, I was so jubilant that when I was tackled and pinned to the ground that I didn’t even hear them coming.

Precious Little Dear

Where did you come from,

You precious little dear?  

I would like to meet you,

if you would only come near.  

Your fur is thick and matted.  

Your bones are shining through.  

Will you come here soon?

I would like to meet you.  

You’ve had a hard life.  

I can see that’s true.  

Will you let me help you?

I’ll take you home to care for you.  

Precious little dear,

Who has been so cruel to you?  

It doesn’t matter anymore,

Because I will love you true.  

I run this brush through all the knots-

I know that it hurts.  

Some of this will have to go-

scissors will have to do.

Soon your coat is nice and clean,

even though you hated the bath.  

I can tell you feel much better.  

I’m glad you spared me your wrath.  

I poured some food into your bowl-

special food just for you-

and watched you gobble it all up.

And you enjoyed it, too!  

You’re home where you belong,

my precious little dear.  

Our neighbors are so jealous

because I have you here.

Toby Likes to Play

Toby likes to play.

I gave him my favorite bear.

We can’t afford that much,

but I’d gladly give him my lunch.


Toby is brown with spots.

I pet him every day.

He really likes my touch,

He likes me very much.


Toby barks sometimes.

He is really loud

and for a month, he really stunk

because he found that skunk.


Toby got in trouble.

He peed in my shoe.

Mom was pretty mad

And Toby felt really bad.


Toby’s my best friend,

Even when he’s bad.

My Toby loves me so much,

He’d give me all of his lunch.

Lonely Like Me

I found him near the bushes.  

He was as small as a cat can be.  

He seemed to be all alone.  

He seemed a lot like me.  


I took him in my arms.  

He seemed to give me a smile.  

His whiskers were soft and

I wanted to take him home.  


My mama said I could have him,

but Dad made that face.  

Mama said to ignore him,

that it would all be okay.  


I decided to name him Whiskers,

because his were really big.  

I went to give him milk,

but Mama said no.  


“Cow’s milk is bad for kitties,”

my dear mother said to me.  

“We don’t want to make him sick.”

My mama is so smart.  


He keeps me company

when the yelling starts,

and we hide together

and we pray that it will end.


I don’t have many friends,

but the ones I have are great!  

The very best one, though,

Is my little, furry friend.  


Whiskers is a kitten.  

He is a lot like me.  

I hope to make him happy-

as happy as he made me!  

Pet Haikus

Lilah is Purring

Lilah is purring.  

I pet her soft and white fur.  

We are so happy.  


Mitzy is Swimming

Mitzy zips around.

I like to watch her swimming.  

She is the best fish.  


Rudolph is my dog.

Rudolph is my dog.

Mom says we can keep him.  

I will love him so.  


Jim is a Lizard

Jim is a lizard.

He’s a bearded dragon.

He is quite gentle.  


Cindy is No Exception

Parakeets are loud.

Cindy is no exception.

She wants attention.